Input and Output in Pseudocode

Input and output operations are fundamental in programming. In pseudocode, we use specific keywords to represent these operations, allowing us to describe how a program interacts with users or external data sources.


Input operations are used to get data from the user or an external source. The common syntax for input in pseudocode is:

INPUT variable


INPUT name

This pseudocode asks the user to input their name and age, storing the values in the variables 'name' and 'age' respectively. For more information on how to handle variables, refer to the Variables in Pseudocode guide.


Output operations are used to display data to the user or send it to an external destination. The common syntax for output in pseudocode is:

OUTPUT expression


OUTPUT "Hello", name
OUTPUT "You are", age, "years old."

This pseudocode displays a greeting using the 'name' variable and states the user's age using the 'age' variable.

Combined Example

Here's an example that combines both input and output operations:

INPUT name
OUTPUT "Hello", name
OUTPUT "You are", age, "years old."
IF age >= 18 THEN
    OUTPUT "You are an adult."
    OUTPUT "You are a minor."

This pseudocode asks for the user's name and age, greets them, states their age, and then determines if they are an adult or a minor based on their age. For more details on decision-making structures, check the If Statements in Pseudocode guide.

Input Validation

It's often necessary to validate user input. Here's an example of how you might do this in pseudocode using a while loop:

WHILE age < 0 OR age > 120
    OUTPUT "Invalid age. Please enter a value between 0 and 120."
    INPUT age

OUTPUT "Valid age entered:", age

This pseudocode ensures that the user enters a valid age between 0 and 120. It will keep prompting the user until a valid age is entered. For more information on loops, refer to the Loops in Pseudocode guide.

Another Example: Validating a Menu Choice

OUTPUT "Menu:"
OUTPUT "1. Option A"
OUTPUT "2. Option B"
OUTPUT "3. Option C"

INPUT choice
WHILE choice < 1 OR choice > 3
    OUTPUT "Invalid choice. Please enter 1, 2, or 3."
    INPUT choice

OUTPUT "You selected option", choice

This example validates a menu choice, ensuring the user enters a number between 1 and 3.

Best Practices

Related Topics

Remember, the goal of pseudocode is to communicate logic clearly. While the exact syntax may vary, the important thing is to convey how your algorithm handles input and output operations, including validation when necessary.
